Interface MuteInfo

  • public interface MuteInfo
    Brief information about problem muting.

    The major contract of this entity is invariance of all data returned by getters of this interface. So, if a client got a value from one of getters they can assume that the next call of this getter even from another instance (but with the same key) will return an equivalent value.

    The key is Id - see getId(). So all implementations MUST implement Object.equals(Object) and Object.hashCode() that consider Id only.

    Leonid Bushuev from JetBrains
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        java.lang.Integer getId()
        The key of the mute fact.
        muting identifier.
      • getProjectId

        java.lang.String getProjectId()
        The internal project ID where an object was muted.
        project id
      • getProject

        SProject getProject()
        The project where an object was muted. The result can be null, if the project does not exist anymore.
        the project
      • getMutingUserId

        long getMutingUserId()
        User that has muted something.
        user id.
      • getMutingUser

        User getMutingUser()
        Returns user who muted test. Can return null if such user does not exist anymore.
        see above
      • getMutingTime

        java.util.Date getMutingTime()
        Date and time of the muting fact.
        time stamp when the test has been muted.
      • getMutingComment

        java.lang.String getMutingComment()
        Muting note.
        a comment user left when he/she muted the test. This note is always not null to around a problem in JSP. May be null but never empty.
      • getScope

        MuteScope getScope()
        Scope, where problems were muted. This represents the initial state of the mute. Later unmutes do not affect the data returned here.
      • getTestNameIds

        java.util.Collection<java.lang.Long> getTestNameIds()
        Set of tests that were muted. This represents the initial state of the mute. Later unmutes do not affect the data returned here.
        immutable set of test name identifiers. These identifiers are without run-count incrementing even when the scope is MuteScope.ScopeType.IN_ONE_BUILD.
      • getTests

        java.util.Collection<STest> getTests()
        Retrieves tests that were muted. This represents the initial state of the mute. Later unmutes do not affect the data returned here.
        collection of tests.
      • getBuildProblemIds

        java.util.Collection<java.lang.Integer> getBuildProblemIds()
        Returns collection of build problems that were muted in scope of this muting operation. This represents the initial state of the mute. Later unmutes do not affect the data returned here.
        see above
      • getAutoUnmuteOptions

        UnmuteOptions getAutoUnmuteOptions()
        Options how the system should unmute the problem automatically.
        how the system should unmute the problem automatically.