Interface CollectChangesByIncludeRules

    • Method Detail

      • getChangeCollector

        IncludeRuleChangeCollector getChangeCollector​(@NotNull
                                                      VcsRoot root,
                                                      java.lang.String fromVersion,
                                                      java.lang.String currentVersion)
                                               throws VcsException
        Returns an object that would handle calls for each include rule found in the checkout rules. This object could contain common data that should be shared between all calls (e.g. connection, caches, etc.). Check VcsSupportCore.isCurrentVersionExpensive() if you like to have null for currentVersion
        root - VCS root
        fromVersion - collect changes from this version.
        currentVersion - collect changes to this version. If null collect changes to the current version of the VCS root.
        the object that would handle calls for each include rule
        VcsException - on error
        See Also:
        IncludeRule, IncludeRuleChangeCollector