Interface CollectSingleStateChangesByCheckoutRules

    • Method Detail

      • collectChanges

        java.util.List<ModificationData> collectChanges​(@NotNull
                                                        VcsRoot root,
                                                        java.lang.String fromVersion,
                                                        java.lang.String currentVersion,
                                                        CheckoutRules checkoutRules)
                                                 throws VcsException
        Returns list of the changes between two revisions given. Check VcsSupportCore.isCurrentVersionExpensive() if you like to have null for currentVersion
        root - current settings.
        fromVersion - collect changes from this version.
        currentVersion - collect changes up to this version.
        checkoutRules - checkout rules built on union of all checkout rules of all configurations connected to the root. Include rules have 'from' part the same as 'to' one so you can don't map file paths according to include rules. see jetbrains.buildServer.vcs.VcsSupportUtil#collectBuildChanges(jetbrains.buildServer.vcs.VcsRoot, String, String, jetbrains.buildServer.vcs.CheckoutRules, jetbrains.buildServer.CollectChangesByIncludeRules) service method, which allows you to collect changes for each root include rule.
        list of changes between specified versions.
        VcsException - throw this exception if some problem occurred while collecting changes or changes cannot be collected because of invalid configuration. Localized message will be shown on the web page for the corresponding project